See also the MicroSet Watch Timer Pro
The MicroSet Watch Timer is a special version of MicroSet tailored for people who work only with watches and not clocks. It will perform the same operations as a Witschi watch timing machine at a fraction of the cost. We provide either the simple watch sensor, or the clamping watch sensor. We also recommend the Windows Interface Software version 3 with special features for watch work, including the ability to measure Accutron watches, simulate paper tape watch timing machines, display the component sounds of watch ticks, and calculate balance wheel amplitude. When used with the Windows software, the MicroSet Watch Timing Machine will display a dual row tick pattern, the watch rate, and the beat error at the same time.

- 16 character LCD display
- 5 button keypad
- Level control with on/off switch
- Choice of simple watch sensor or clamping watch sensor
- Measure beat times from 36.00 BPH to 36000.00 BPH
- Resolves beat times to millionths of a second, hundredths of a Beat Per Hour, or tenths of a second per day
- Calibrated to 1 or 2 parts per million at room temperature
- (calibration is under software control and can be recalibrated in the field)
- Built-in beat amplifier (optional)
- Computer interface version 3 (optional)
- Audible beep tone to signal when long samples have been completed
- Internal 9 volt battery and 110 volt AC adaptor included
- Nonvolatile memory for parameter storage
- Small size (3.5″ x 5.5″ x 2″)
- 2 year warranty
- Large assortment of accessories
- Beat Error Mode measures the difference between even and odd ticks in tenths of a millisecond.
- Time Mode measures the beat time of watches (Average 1 to 254 ticks, default value for beat count can be programmed)
- Display results in Seconds Per Beat, Beats Per Hour, or Error Per Day of any watch (is not limited to a programmed set of train times).
- Automatically detects the most common watch rates.
- The Running Average function will display the accumulated overall rate of any watch, becoming more accurate the longer it runs.
- Automatically disregard extraneous sounds at improper intervals
- (A “blanking window” makes the timer “deaf” between ticks)
- Accutron Mode to rate tuning fork watches (requires optional sensor)
- Tick Mode produces a graphical display of watch ticks and balance wheel amplitude when used with interface software.
- Balance Wheel Amplitude (optional) A high resolution improved version of the Tick Mode.
- “Paper tape” display mode emulates older watch timing machines with the Windows Interface Program.
MicroSet Watch Timer shown with Clamping Watch Sensor
(watch not included!)
The MicroSet Watch Timing Machine includes:
- MicroSet Watch timer
- Watch sensor of your choice
- 9 volt battery
- 110 volt AC adaptor
- Complete Instruction book
Watch Timer optional features:
- Built-in beat amplifier
- Balance wheel amplitude
- Data capture memory
- TCXO timebase
- Temperature sensor
- Atmospheric sensor
- Windows interface software