The Sherline CNC Rotary Table Controller
Installing on other rotary tables
We have created a modified version of the Sherline CNC Rotary Table Controller to allow it to drive other rotary tables with gear ratios of 40:1 or 90:1. Other ratios may be available on request. If you already have a rotary table and wish to utilize our controller, send us an email. You will need to use the Sherline 23 frame stepper motor with 1/4" shaft and 120 oz/in of torque. We also need to know the worm gear ratio of your table.
The following photographs show the installation of our controller on an import six inch rotary table as performed by Larry Thompson in Glen Ellyn, Illinois.
Shown at right is the six inch rotary table mounted at right angles to the top of Larry's milling table. The Sherline stepper motor is attached with a simple homemade mount made from a length of tubing and two aluminum end plates. One plate bolts to existing holes in the rotary table housing, the other plate holds the 23 frame stepper motor. Larry fabricated his own shaft coupler to join the 1/4" motor shaft to the 8mm shaft on the table.
Shown below is a closeup of the motor mount.
Larry's goal is to cut clock gears. As a preliminary test, he set up a slitting saw to cut 50 slots in the circumference of a brass disk. Here is the setup. He says:
I made a first pass at cutting a "gear". 2" diameter blank, 1/16" thick, 50 steps. I used a 1/16" slitting saw. The first attempt worked out well. The 51st step lined up perfectly.
The finished "gear"

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